Visit Ohio State Collections

The Ohio State University has a wide variety of collections and archives. Why not indulge in a tour of these amazing resources? Here are some links to collections and archives on campus. Many of them are public-facing. Take some time to visit them in person. You'll be surprised at the fascinating things you will learn!

Here are stories about the Orton Geological Museum's collections.


Collections on Campus

The links below take you to collections on campus:

Architecture Library

Arthur E. Baggs Memorial Library

Austin E. Knowlton School of Architecture

Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum

Biological Sciences/Pharmacy Library

Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center

Center for Epigraphical and Paleographical Studies

College of Education and Human Ecology

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

College of Social Work

Department of Animal Sciences

Department of Athletics

Frank W. Hale Jr. Black Cultural Center

Goldthwaite Polar Library

Hilander Research Library

Historic Costume & Textiles Collection

Jack Nicklaus Museum

John Glenn Archives

Kawsay Ukhunchay: Andean and Amazonian Indigenous Art and Cultural Artifacts Research Collection

Longaberger Alumni House

Medical Heritage Center

Michael E. Moritz Law Library

Museum of Biological Diversity

Museum of Classical Archaeology

Orton Geological Museum

Orton Memorial Library of Geology

Polar Rock Repository

Rare Books and Manuscripts Library

The Best Damn Band in the Land (TBDBITL) History Collection

The Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee Theatre Research Institute

The Ohio State Faculty Club, Inc.

The Ohio State University Alumni Association, Inc.

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

University Archives

University Libraries

Wexner Center for the Arts

Woody Hayes Athletic Center, Trophy Room


Other Exhibition Venues

Click any of the links below for information about other exhibition venues.

Bricker Hall, First Floor Lobby - exhibition schedule varies

John Glenn College of Public Affairs, Page Hall

University Hall, First Floor Meeting Room

Faculty Club

Thompson Library Gallery

Urban Arts Space, 50 W. Town St., Suite 130