Visit - it's free!


Admission to the Orton Geological Museum is open to all people, and free. 



The Museum Gallery is now on summer hours. It is normally open to the public from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday. If you are planning to visit and are uncertain whether the museum will be open, please call ahead, or email, preferably a few days in advance.

During the regular academic year (late August to early May), the Museum Gallery is normally open to the public from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Occasionally, it is also open on Saturdays. If you are planning to visit on a Saturday, please phone ahead (614-292-6896) to determine whether the Gallery will be open to the public that day.

We have found misinformation about the museum's hours posted on non-Ohio State websites. Please ignore what you find on other sites, and rely on what you read here.

Orton Hall is located on the south side of The Oval, the central part of the academic campus. Orton Hall is the most distinctive building on The Oval, as it houses a bell tower containing the University Chimes. The chimes ring every 15 minutes, which helps to identify the location of Orton Hall from quite a distance. 




On weekdays, the nearest parking is in the Ohio Union South Garage (1780 College Road South), which is located a short distance to the east of Orton Hall.



An Accessibility Entrance to Orton Hall is located along Hagerty Drive, at the southwest corner of Orton Hall. An elevator is located just inside the building, near the accessibility entrance.



The Din-O-Store, which is located in the Gallery, has natural history-themed gifts for people of all ages. The Din-O-Store does not have posted hours of operation, but is commonly open when the Gallery is open. To confirm when it will be open, it is advisable to call ahead of the time of your visit (614-292-6896).



To arrange a tour of the Museum, click here